Direct Marketing Association Email Marketing

Direct Marketing Association Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the most popularly used marketing strategies nowadays. This strategy benefits both the consumers and the sellers equally. It is a process wherein messages are delivered directly to customers' email addresses by means of electronic messaging technology. Like direct mail, your message reaches the recipients and by that, they can take desired actions.

Email marketing content usually includes texts, images and links. A lot of email marketing companies would include their website’s links and some information about their clients’ organizations. Email marketing is not just about promotions; it could also be surveys and newsletters. Some send out discount coupons to ensure higher “call to action” result. The point of launching an email marketing campaign is to be able to build brand awareness within your target audience, to create a large customer base and to build personal relationship with your customers. Other benefits involves increasing web traffic and pure SEO purposes.

Email marketing companies’ duty

Email marketers like Direct Marketing Association email marketing are companies that ensure that you get maximum result out of this marketing strategy. They launch your campaigns as well as create enticing content, images and links that entice people to make an action. When you say make an action, it means having them do what you want them to do. This could be clicking on your links, signing up to your website, bookmarking your site, signing up for your service and even buying your products. Efficient marketers can deliver high results, which is why it is of the utmost importance that you vet your provider first before signing up to their service.

Aside from all these, it is also the marketers’ duty to provide a tracking system, which you can access to track down the rates of recipients’ response to your marketing campaign. With this tracking system, you should be able to identify who opened your emails, who tagged your emails as spam, those who click on the links and those who make further actions. All pieces of information gathered are very important in strengthening your future marketing campaigns.

Advantages of email marketing

  • Cost efficient

One of the very best features of email marketing is its relatively low cost. First of all, papers and printing is completely eliminated. The campaign also takes a lot less time to prepare than direct mailing. You also don’t have to worry about paying for delivery.


  • Result oriented
Though there are no tangible letters that people receive, which some people think is a bad thing, email marketing is more efficient because thousands of consumers today rely on their emails more than before. On top of this, most emails on your list will be people who’ve already been in your store or those who’ve proactively given their email addresses through your online site. This means that they are already interested in your products. In this case, the emails would just need to be powerful enough to convince them to purchase or to make actions.