![Email Marketing Hosting Email Marketing Hosting](../images/email-marketing-hosting.jpg)
Email Marketing Hosting
Emailing is the fastest way of passing information from one corner of the globe to the other. Due to this, emailing can effectively be utilized as a marketing tool if a marketer furnishes himself or herself with knowledge of its inner workings. Email marketing is an effective way of driving web traffic to a marketer's website, thus swiftly developing new business leads and sales. Nevertheless, they should not just buy an email list and sit back at their desk and send out emails aimlessly. Though it is not illegal to send introductory business emails, everything must be done legitimately. Nevertheless, if you use a regular email hosting server to send out bulk marketing emails, you will soon find yourself in problems, as most such hosts limit the number of emails you can send out daily. These issues can only be solved by finding an efficient email marketing hosting company.
Email marketing hosting company
Most regular email hosting companies have very strict rules and regulations as regards email marketing. Normally, they limit the number of emails a client may send daily and often have limitations on dispatching similar emails to more than say 60 recipients daily. Quite often, they will pick up any activity that they deem not normal and your email account will duly be suspended without a notice. This can be very inconvenient if you often use your email for your day to day business activities.
Additionally, most regular email hosting companies react negatively to clients complaints. Generally speaking, if you are sending bulk marketing emails to your current clients’ email list, issues could quickly crop up. Actually, it takes only a client or two in your email list to complain and before you know it, your email hosting is terminated and your website shut down. It may not be a big issue as it can quickly be reinstated. However, the loss of business and time spent developing it is momentous.
The answer to these issues is to use a dedicated bullet email hosting company. This is actually an offshore email hosting server that business owners could rent on regular basis. They can use these email hosting servers to do all their email marketing campaigns without the worry of being shut down. Usage of these email marketing hosting servers eliminates the possibility of clients’ complaints and in an efficient manner. A bulletproof email hosting server could simply not be shut down, especially due to clients’ complaints, as it is located offshore. Bulletproof email hosting servers are quite easy to use as they can be used by all types of email software. A business owner can purchase a bulletproof domain name and another email address, instead using his or her normal one. However, the bought domain name should be similar to a company’s name so as to eliminate the brand’s confusion.
How expensive is bulletproof email hosting?
Bulletproof hosting for email marketing hosting is quite expensive. Nevertheless, before settling for any email marketing hosting company, do some online market research and only settle for the one you deem suitable for your email hosting requirements, both in functionality and budget-wise.